Important FAQs for the
LA Pan-Pacific Zone
New Year’s celebration


1) What time should i arrive?

Check in begins at 9:45 am on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, at the SGI Plaza Courtyard (address below). Please aim to arrive at least 30 min before the 11:00 am meeting. Depending on where you park, it can take up to 15 minutes to park, check in, get your wristband and be seated at the WCC. Seating is on a first come, first served basis.

2) What should I bring?

Please bring your SGI-USA Digital ID via the SGI-USA app (tutorial below) or a government-issued ID. At least one of these is required for entry. For Digital IDs, please do not screenshot your ID. Registration will check for the live tri-color circle on your ID.

3) Where should I park?

Please park at the SGI Annex Parking (location #1). If parking is full, head to locations #2 or #3. Please try your best to carpool!

Note: SGI Plaza and Annex Parking will close promptly at 2:00 pm

Accessible parking spots are available at the SGI Plaza for those with a Disabled Person Parking Placard. Those with limited mobility can also be dropped off in front of WCC and check in at the top of the ramp.


1) SGI Annex Parking
1212 7th St, Santa Monica (entrance on 7th St.)

*Free parking

2) SGI Plaza Parking
606 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica (entrance on 6th St.)

*Free parking

3) Overflow Public Parking Lot 9
401 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica (entrance on 4th St.)

*Parking is $9 for all day



SGI World Peace Ikeda Auditorium
525 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica


SGI-USA Plaza Courtyard
606 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica


1) Where do I check in?

Check-in will be located at the SGI Plaza Courtyard (606 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica). Check-in tables open at 9:45 am.

Since this is a ticketed event, every participant must check in at the SGI Plaza Courtyard to receive a wristband and present it at the entrance to the World Peace Ikeda Auditorium.

2) Where is check-in for those receiving the Gohonzon?

Check-in will be located in the SGI Plaza Courtyard. An orientation will be held at 10 am in Room D of the Pacific Peace Center, just off the courtyard. A seat will be reserved for you and your sponsor in the main auditorium.

3) When does the World Peace Ikeda Auditorium open?

The World Peace Ikeda Auditorium lobby will open at 10:20 am. Doors to the auditorium will open at 10:30 am. The meeting is 1 hr, 30 min.

4) What if I didn’t register prior to the event?

Members who did not register should still check in at their Region registration table. Priority will be given to those who registered. If seating is full at the WCC, they can watch the meeting from the Pacific Peace Center, located just off the SGI Plaza Courtyard.


1) Are there rooms set aside for parents with small children?

Yes, a room has been set side in the World Peace Ikeda Auditorium lobby for parents with small children. Families with young children do not need to sit in these rooms but they are available if it’s more convenient for them.

2) Where do I go if the seating fills up at the WCC?

There is a possibility that seating will fill up at the World Peace Ikeda Auditorium. In that case, the Pacific Peace Center will be open for participants to watch the event via livestream.


When is the bookstore open?

The bookstore will be open before the meeting from 9:30–10:30 am and after the meeting from 12:30–1:30 pm.

A friendly reminder: SGI Plaza and Annex parking close at 2:00 pm.

Get your copy of The New Human Revolution, vol. 28 on New Year’s Day!